Happy birthday to Eli and Jude!
Today we'll be going out in the backyard to drive the little car around, play ball, and watch Daddy try to build a swing set. We'll go to a birthday dinner at Red Robin (probably their favorite restaurant we've been to) for the little ones and we'll come home to snuggle up to several bed-time stories (they love reading, so one is never enough). They'll go to sleep and I think I'll cry just a bit thinking about how lucky I am to have these loving, special pair of boys.
But for now, I'm going to go out there with the boys eating a snack and snuggle them while I can. They're 3 after all, so that means I get less and less opportunities to snuggle them. They are always so busy, and often politely decline my snuggle request with a "No, thanks" because they have something to do. Soon enough, they'll be too big for me to scoop up and spin around the room with, but for now, I'll settle with what I can get.
Oh, and by the way, I had a bit of a iPhone catastrophe earlier in the week when my iPhone took a tumble from the van into a drainage ditch, cracking on the corners and getting wet, so I dryed it out and reset the phone, so no more videos, but I will get some up as soon as we can. Maybe today, or maybe tomorrow. My New Year's Resolution is to pay closer attention to the little things that make life worth living, and to let go of the little things that nag at us all. Our brains are smart organs; they expel the little nagging things and with rose colored glasses, view the past through the lens of the great things that happened to us.
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